Abigail Ifedayo - Sponsor Now

Abigail Ifedayo

Location Nigeria

Age 11

Gender Girl

Abigail is the oldest of 2 children; she has one younger brother. Her father has 2 wives and Abigeal's mom is the second wife. The father is a drunk and doesn't live with either of the wives. He shows up to beg money for drinking or to demand food. Abigail's mother sells cooked corn on the road side during when corn it's in season. When she was 6 years old, she was burned very badly and spent over a month in the hospital. A local missionary befriended and helped her during her hospital stay.

Abigeal is a very sweet little girl and smiles a lot; we would love to keep that smile on her face.  You can sponsor Abigail's education and care with $35 a month or a yearly donation of $420.