Anu Kayode - Sponsor Now

Anu Kayode

Location Nigeria

Age 20

Gender Girl

Anu is a single orphan; her father is deceased. Anu's mother left to find work in Ibadan, a city about 5 hours away. Anu's younger brother went with their mother; but the cost of living is too expensive in Ibadan for the mother to support both children. Anu had to stay behind with her grandmother.  

When Anu first came to C.A.R.E., we registered her in school. After her first term, we learned she was very far behind in her studies; she failed nearly every subject. We pulled her out of school and hired a private teacher to complete the year with her. After a year, she was ready to register in a new school and she repeated a grade. Praise the Lord she passed!!

You can invest in Anu for $35 a month or annually at $420. Make a difference in this young girls life!!


Letter of Intent - written in her senior year to describe her plans after graduation

Self-description form filled in June 2022

June 2022 - just prior to graduation