Bolu Sunday - Sponsor Now

Bolu Sunday

Location Nigeria

Age 20

Gender Girl

Grade Level University

When she came to C.A.R.E., at 15 years old, Bolu's school fees were behind. The school was preparing to kick her out. C.A.R.E. made a home visit and met her Grandma. Grandma was very skinny and had 6 children living with her in a 10x10 room. Grandma told us that her son had moved to Ghana and had done very well for himself. A few years later his business partner murdered him. Bolu and her mother were visiting her when they heard the news. Unfortunately, the mother’s loss was too much and she just left, without Bolu, and has never since been seen. Grandma is old and can only sell little things occassionally and really struggles. A Nigerian sponsored Bolu through secondary school. 

Bolu has now graduated secondary school and has completed testing. When admissions begin, she will enroll in the ECWA College of Nursing and Midwifery at Egbe Hospital. Until then, she is participating in C.A.R.E.'s seamstress program and learning to bake cakes for student birthday celebrations.

Will you sponsor her higher education?