Emmanuel Adedayo - Sponsor Now

Emmanuel Adedayo

Location Nigeria

Age 14

Gender Boy

Grade Level Primary 5

Emmanuel entered C.A.R.E. Africa's program at 12 years old. He has 3 other siblings. His mother sells roasted corn by the roadside and his father is a carpenter. The family lives in a very old, one room home. They have moved many times due to inability to pay rent. Only two of the other siblings attend the public school in town because the parents can only scrape together enough to pay those fees. The mom has very few customers for her produce and all the proceeds go toward feeding the kids, so the business barely survives. The father has mental health issues and employers take advantage - they pay him less than due and he doesnt know the difference.
Emmanuel is very smart and is overcoming many barriers; we are thrilled to provide him with a quality education in our school. Thank you for partnering with us to invest in his education and future.


Published Thu, Oct 13, 22. Written by Patrice Miles.

This is a test, and wanted to see if you receive it. Patrice