Location Nigeria
Age 14
Gender Boy
Grade Level Primary 4
Tobi is the only child of his mother, who died when he was young. No one knows any information about his father. He lives with his grandmother, who is very old but tries to support the two of them by selling raw pepper. She also farms when she is able. They live in Oke Ere, which is a town about 30 minutes from Egbe. This town is much more rural with only 2 schools and 3 small churches. The education is very poor there. When Tobi tested for entrance to C.A.R.E., he recognized letters but he could not put them together to read. Please consider making a difference in Tobi's life by sponsoring him at $49 a month or $588 annually. This higher amount will provide transport to and from his house which is 30 minutes away from our C.A.R.E. Center. He is also receiving one-on-one instruction from C.A.R.E's school counselor to catch up to grade level.